Drain Cleaning Techniques for a Clogged Drain

JB Thompson • Nov 21, 2023

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Drain Cleaning Techniques for a Clogged Drain

Clogged drains are one of the most common household problems. Do you know that 50% of households in the US deal with a clogged toilet on a regular basis? It not only wastes time but is very unhealthy and unhygienic. Clogged drains can cause inconvenience and unpleasant odors. If left unaddressed, can lead to more severe plumbing issues.

It is not possible to call a professional every time your drain clogs. Keep these tips in mind. A professional plumber may be able to fix your problem before it gets too big.

In this blog, we discuss the importance of keeping your pipes clean, common causes of clogs, and how to attempt to unclog toilets, drains, and sinks.

Learn some simple yet effective drain-cleaning techniques!

Importance of Maintaining Clean and Clear Drains

Clean and clear drains are the backbone of your plumbing systems. How quickly the water drains from the sink shows that your drains are free from blockages. When they are clean, water flows easily, preventing backups and potential damage. If the water backs up in drainpipes, it can result in rusting. This can lead to leaking and may require major plumbing repairs.

Regular drain and pipe maintenance can extend the life of your plumbing and save you from costly repairs.

Common Issues Leading to Clogged Drains

Here are some common issues that lead to drain clogging.

Grease and Fat Buildup: Dumping cooking oil and other fats down the drain causes buildup because these substances solidify and block the pipe. This can restrict water flow.

Hair and Soap Scum: Hair should never make it through the shower and bathtub drains. They clog up the drain and ball up and become very difficult to remove. Soap scum can act like animal fats and accumulate over time.

Food Debris: In the kitchen, small food particles and debris often go down the sink drain and accumulate, causing clogs.

Foreign Objects: Other objects like small toys, jewelry, or other items might drain through the pipe, causing blockages.

Understanding Drain Cleaning: Plunger, Plumber's Snake, Chemical Drain Cleaner Before you attempt DIY drain cleaning, learn about the tools that professional drain cleaners use. 

Plunger: Plungers are the most common, effective, and simplest tool. It creates a vacuum and pushes or pulls the blockages.

Plumber’s Snake or Auger: A plumber’s snake or auger is a flexible wire that goes down the drain and pushes the clogs.

Chemical Drain Cleaner: Chemical drain cleaners are commercial products designed to dissolve or break down clogs. They might damage the drains due to the caustic chemicals. So, use them sparingly.

Role of Drain Cleaners

Drain cleaners may seem like a good choice because they are easy to use. Drain cleaners are not very effective on deep-seated blockages and clogs. These you should call a professional plumber. Also, don't use them regularly as they damage the pipe.

They are also very dangerous. It's important to follow safety precautions when using chemical drain cleaners.

DIY Methods for Unclogging Drains

For clogged toilets, drains, and sinks, you will find this blog very helpful, as below are the DIY tips to unclog drains.

Unclogging a Toilet

To clean a toilet, use a plunger designed especially for toilets. Create a seal around the drain and use a pumping motion to dislodge the blockage. If it requires you to repeat the process, do it as many times as needed.

Unclogging a Shower Drain

Use the drain cover. Now, use an auger to fish out debris and hair. Pour hot water down the drain to clean the scum and debris. You can also use the chemical drain cleaner in case of stubborn blockages.

Using the Best Drain Cleaner

Not all drain cleaners are the same. You must choose the one that’s designed for the type of clogs you want to get rid of. There are a lot of products on the market, and it is very intimidating. Do not hesitate to ask for help. Also, read the manufacturer’s instructions carefully when using the drain cleaner.

Professional Drain Cleaning

Drain cleaning is no job for an amateur, especially when you have stubborn clogs. These need professional tools and techniques. Sometimes, you must consider professional sink and drain cleaning, such as sewer cleaning. We do not do sewer cleaning at Garot Plumbing.

Hydrojetting is a method that uses very high-water pressure to remove stubborn blockages and buildup in pipes. It is a very effective method which is effective in removing all types of debris and blockages from the drainpipes. Yet, it requires a hydro-jetting machine, most people do not own one, ruling it out of your DIY drain cleaning.

The tips discussed above help get rid of clogs. If the DIY methods don't work, you may have a bigger problem. You should contact a professional plumber, such as Garot Plumbing.

Garot Plumbing for Sink & Drain Cleaning

Sink and drain blockages are bad. Especially when you have no idea how to deal with this recurring problem. Your best solution is to give us a call at Garot Plumbing so our expert plumbers can come and unclog your plumbing.

We have been in the plumbing business since 1946 and we have seen and repaired a lot of clogs. You can trust us, and we will never let you down.

Give us a call!

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